Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Being Wise or Foolish

Wisdom has built her house;
she has made its seven columns.

She has prepared her food and wine;
she has set her table.

She has sent out her servant girls,
and she calls out from the highest place
in the city.

She says to those who are uneducated,
"Come in here, you foolish people!
Come and eat my food and drink the wine
that I have prepared.

Stop your foolish ways, and you will live;
take the road of understanding."

Proverbs 9:1-6

"When you listen, you understand."

"Mission: To develop healthy hearts & warm spirits by passionately engaging in life to feel God’s breath.

From the he~ART~ n my Heart

Diamonlicious ™
3rd I MasterMind Group, Founder

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I welcomed love in freely,

without resistance,

without doubt or question.

I opened my heart and allowed the fresh breeze of love to blow in--
inside my arteries,

my veins,

my organs,

and up into my brain...

Ooooh, it felt sooooooo good.

I welcomed its scent, so sweet is its aroma.
I rubbed it into my black skin, it became melanoma.
It changed the color of what I said and how I behaved.
It began to break and bend, rip and tear me from limb to limb.

I fought back.
I even tried to stuff it away.
Yet, it returned more forceful than its entry,
cutting and twisting me around like a rag doll.

I cried.

I screamed.

I fainted.

And while I lay there spinning around in love,

it hit me;

you have no say here...

my body quivered and jerked.


Love won.

I felt peace-FULL.

Love said, Now get up,

go out




Diamonlicious ™

c 2007

Has any one else fallen...?

Interpretation of Females

A female isn't a woman. A female is only a way to determine the sex of a human, an animal a bird etc. In my minds eye a female is just a SEX. I have seen far to often our beautiful black women who have compromised their status as a woman to just being a female. So, when a female uses her sex to gain the attention of a man she has actually gained the interest of a male, and the male in a man can't get past what gained his interest in the beginning. If you use your female (SEX) then all he'll see you as is sex and that's what a female is.

The man has never been given the opportunity to see the woman in that female. So, the end result is some females wonder why they continue having relationships that are not working at this stage in the game, and the answer is there inside of them, you can't have the cart before the horse.

Courtesy of my friend,
Victor Bozeman,
Los Angeles, CA


Arms that will....

Find arms that will hold you @ your weakest…
eyes that will see you at your ugliest…
and a heart that will love you at your worst.

Then, you have found true love.

What do you think?

Diamonlicious ™

Do You Love what You Feel?

"Lifelong learning begins with a heart that desires change, wisdom, and application." Bill Mowry

1. What are you passionate about?
2. Is your passion infectious?
3. What ways have you shared your passion with others?
4. What paths have you paved that others want to follow?
5. How are you planning to use your passion to heal the pain in the world?

These questions now snapping, crackling, and popping in your mind are good questions. I believe a lack of passion has a lot to do with how we treat ourselves. However, pursuing an issue that you know you could make better tends to heal brokenness. Here are five reasons and/or excuses we use to delay identifying our passion:

*Wait till I get my money right
*Wait till the children grow up
*Wait till I lose 20 pounds
*Wait till I turn colors
*Wait... duck, duck, (waiting) GOOSE.

We see the pain in each other’s faces. We see it in their body language. WE see it when we pull up the stoplight and glance at the person in the car next to us. We see it in the man and woman smoking one cigarette after another. We see it in the woman who freely gives herself away. We see it in the man cajoling any woman just for game. Oh yes, we see it. And for some of us, WE ARE "IT". Since we are aware of the roadblocks that cause us pain, why do we feast on these smelly bones, these useless tactics that undermine our intelligence? Quick fixes: THEY DON'T WORK!

As we grow in our awareness of how we care for ourselves, we are setting the tone for how others treat us. Be open to embrace your passion so others will see it, feel it, and follow your lead. Regardless of your circumstances, get started. We are waiting to feel the healing passion that you love and feel.

Do you love what you feel? If not, I invite you to the one that loves what you feel: John 3:16, Psalm 8, 92, and especially 139. I pray: God help us to see ourselves before we destroy ourselves. Ashe'

Diamonlicious ™

Personal Mission:
"To gain full expression of all my feelings, needs, and abilities, in order to unlock all of my power. To accept myself at every stage, continually developing my skills to become all I am capable of becoming, and make a valuable contribution."

Lyrical Licker

I was sitting around working on my computer one day and received the most beautiful and poetic piece of art I've seen in quite some time. I loved it then, and I love it now. Check it out.

If you, If me
Couldn't feel we

My soul would be lost

Your touch
Your lips
Taste my hips

The way your words dance
Licking my butter love endless
Allowing my heaven to be blessed
By the verses your tongue rehearse

Mentally, I escape
In depths of pleasure
Singing the sweetest melody
Sucking me right there
French kissing my intimacy

Grabbing your head
Whispering take me places Papi
Leave more than just a memory
Engrave your love for poetry

The scent of pleasing
Draws your tongue pen deeper
My hips vibrating with your rhythm
The more you lyrical lick me
I shake and shiver

Mind binded with letting go
The imprints of your flow
Writing cursive phrases
Sending me on an intoxicating high
I can't catch my breath
You come up for air
Anticipating the silence in my sighs

Again you dove in tongue first
I crave you, you love tasting me
Butter love trembling, throbbing
Almost at the point of no return
Intensity rising

You open my shores wider
'Inscripting' metaphorical interludes
Dayum near losing my sanity
You sucked me in like quicksand
Exploding spurts of combustions
Released a river of ecstasy

Satisfaction rested on my shores
You sipped until there was no more
Your lips drenched in honey dew
Bodies glowing as candles flicker
Our lips meet with a sensual kiss
Smelling my scent on you
I softly whisper
Thank you Lyrical Licker

© FirePoetess

Diamonlicious ™

Love Gives More

Just when you think Love wouldn't give more, it does.

Love is something I hear about, talk about, share w/others, and believe I have touched a time or two. Recently, I spoke to 30 single black beautiful women that do not have love in their lives. These wonderful women tell the same old story... they were told that they are the problem. They were either too much of something, or not enough of something else.

However, Joe from twitter says that's not true. He dated many beautiful women before sitting at home "alone" realizing that he, too, didn't have real love in his life. Joe came across a light bulb moment and what he discovered surprised him. He realized that he didn't have the proper personal development tools to deal w/the women he dated. He thought he was ready, but recognized that he was not equipped to give these women the kind of love and life that they deserved. Therefore, he always created a reason to act out, cop an attitude, or bail leaving the ball of blame in his partner’s court.

The Diamond Result:   Joe is now a coach, helping young men step up to the plate to take responsibility for themselves.  His mission:   help young gentlemen build up their confidence and understand their role in the relationship so that it's healthy and flourishing. I enjoyed listening to Joe's interview & wish him the best w/his coaching practice. See, Real Love always gives more because Love really does love us. And Love uses us to give back even more love. Remember, love gives more.  ;-)

Ladies and gentlemen, be encouraged.

Diamonlicious ™